Sep 16, 2008

Holy Circus Babies!

I don't know what else to say. I am both elated and relieved to announce that I have completed my internship with the MU English Department as managing editor and designer of the M Review, our online literary publication. Like all good and hard things that come to an end, I see on the live version that I have a bit more work to do. There are a few snags. Regardless, I am happy to post the link for your reading pleasure. Jay and I collected an unusual bit of material-poetry and fiction-with a tendency toward the surreal and poetic dramatizations of interior moments. (I.E. Quirky, folks.) I have learned much from this experience and I hope that I will find opportunities in the future to work with literary journals.

The fact that M is officially going live tomorrow has become a significant gesture, as we will be gathering together with our English department community of students and teachers to celebrate the life of Jackie Mosier, recent Marylhurst graduate, who lost her battle with breast cancer. At the last minute, I tried to delicately incorporate a dedication in her honor to our 2008 issue. What I came up with is the illustration above, of a dove and flowers. I hope that people realize it is a dove. Does it look like a dove? It's kind of chubby.

Jackie had a zest for reading and writing, really good interprative and analytical skills, and opened her home again and again to our community for celebrations and hosting visiting authors. She leaves behind two adorable dogs and a husband, as well as an inspiring work ethic and creativity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It must look like a dove, because that was my first thought before you asked the question.